Behind Your Eyes

Behind Your Eyes: A Holy Week Reflection

Jesus, what thoughts lie behind your eyes as the cup lies between us…the bread passes among us…love stirring within us.

What is behind your eyes in the garden, searching for the place of surrender… as you choke out the words ‘your will be done’ between the sobs?

What is behind your eyes as you feel the kiss of betrayal on your stubbled, weather worn cheek? As you pick up the guard’s ear up off the ground & restore it? 

Let him who has ears, let him hear, let him know.

What thoughts lie behind your eyes, swollen shut from the angry crowd spitting on you, torturing you with man-made tools?

What is behind your eyes watching your best friends walk away, the women weeping, your mother suffering?

What are you thinking as you lift your eyes to the guards, to the thief…to your Father?

In the final moments,

In the final breath.

What lies behind your eyes as they take you down, wash off liters of blood, pour oil on your flesh wounds, wrap you in white?


You are gone, swallowed up by death, by hell. Alone.

For me.

You came…

For me.

What are you thinking as you feel the rush of breath return to your limp body, jolting awake like a newborn out of twilight sleep?

What lies behind your eyes as you stretch your new body, blink back the sun’s piercing rays, fold your grave clothes, taking that first step out of the tomb into forever?

Child, today is a good day to be alive.