Delight Day

“Work, work, work, work, work, work, REST.”

My friend & mentor had us clap out the rhythm while saying these words out loud at our women’s small group.

“Work, work, work, work, work, work, REST.”

At the time I rolled my eyes but participated. I knew what lesson was about to follow and I didn’t want to hear it. I sat at a table surrounded by women – half of them empty nesters, the other half exhausted moms like me who were lucky to have their shirts on right side out. As a Mom of two littles born 16 months apart, I felt my insides beginning to crawl as she talked about the importance of developing “sacred rhythms” she called it; finding the balance between work and rest just as God had done at creation – 6 days of work, 1 day of rest.

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Crooked Altars

Crooked Altars

(originally written from a previous blog in March 2014)

Last month, I had the opportunity to get away and spend some much needed time alone with God at the Holy Family Shrine. More often than not, when I let too much time lapse between these get-togethers, I’m slapped with the reality of how utterly exhausted I feel. Ever been there? When my ears are pierced with a resounding silence, I find myself flopping down in the pew…my body caving in to the beating of busyness I put it through – limbs growing heavy and I can barely hold my head up. At right about that awkward phase where I contemplate curling up into a sleepy ball (because we all know the coolest way God speaks is through dreams, right??) or pushing through it, His word comes gently,

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